- No clomid this month. This is good for two reasons: I can have a break from the emotional roller coaster, and I can chart see if I would ovulate without the clomid now, as sometimes happens after you've taken for a few cycles, oh, a third reason is that clomid also causes your endometrium to thin, which is bad for implantation and part of the reason they make you take a break after 6 months, so taking a break from it now will mean I have a better nest for the razz next month.
- It seems that the pressure of the dye will sometime flush out small blockages from the fallopian tubes. When I read online about this happening for people, I thought it might just be coincidence for a few people, but I felt more encouraged when our PA actually mentioned it without any prompting from me.
- If the test is clear and we do get pregnant on the next cycle after it, the razz will be conceived pretty close to Susan's birthday.
- I can drink alcohol, caffeine, and nutrasweet in moderation this month
- If the test is not clear, we will know what the problem is, and can move on to IVF or whatever our next option will be.
Obviously, the good outweighs the bad here.
It sounds like you'll get some things figured out this month - that's great! Enjoy your month of alcohol, caffeine and nutrasweet.
I love the title of this post.
Susan, I agree! :-)
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