Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tag, I'm It!

I've been tagged by my beautiful, brilliant, sweet, and wonderful partner. It's a good thing she was the one to tag me, too, because this is now the third time I've tried to post this, and for anyone else, I would have given up by now! Here we go.

Seven Things To Do Before I Die:
1. Have a kid
2. Live somewhere a lot more queer than here
3. travel, a lot
4. have another kid
5. learn to eat healthy without getting depressed about it
6. umm, I can't remember this one
7. Get a horse (come on, doesn't every little girl want a pony?)

Seven Things I Can’t Do:
1. Cross my eyes
2. Wink
3. Let go of the past
4. Eat just a little junk food, just once in a while
5. fly
6. I really had two more of these, but I couldn't remember them after I lost this post the first time. Wah!

Seven Things That Attract Me To Blogging:
1. Susan
2. Creating a keepsake for the baby-making time
3. Trying to remember what I did yesterday

Seven Things I Say Most Often: (not in order)
1. Mer, you're disgusting
2. I'm hungry
3. what do you want to do now?
4. Get out!
5. corn is such a pie
6. Let's talk about housesSHHH!
7. Good dog!

Seven Books That I Love:
1. Oryx and Crake
2. Wicked
3. Tipping the Velvet
4. The Ender's Game books
5. Time Enough for Love
6. Much Ado About Nothing
7. Mike Mulligan and His Steamshovel

Seven Movies I Watch Again and Again:
1. But I’m a Cheerleader
2. O Brother Where Art Thou
3. Big Eden
4. The Princess Bride
5. Eve’s Bayou
6. Jackie Brown (from now on, that movie rocks!)
7. The Matrix

Seven People I am Tagging to do this Meme:

1. >2. You people need to start blogs.
Yeah, that!


Susan said...

I can't believe I forgot Big Eden! I loved that movie. And Jackie Brown!

Queenie said...

For some reason, I love reading other people's lists for stuff like this...although, ironically, I don't like creating my own. Anyway, I'm at work and I'm bored (I've got plenty to do but I'm procrastinating!) so posting my reactions seems like a good way to pass the time.

My first thought about the things you say most often: "Oh shit, is number one referring to me? Oh wait - it says 'Mer' not 'Mar' she's probably referring to Merlin. Whew!" And also "I don't see 'yo' on the list."

I'm (sadly) YEARS behind in my reading so I haven't read most of the books you've posted. But Mike Mulligan is definitely a good one! Nice choice. Although I'm really partial to Mr. Popper's check it out if you didn't read it as a kid!

So, what, Rantoul isn't queer enough for you? Or are you just talking about the Midwest in general? (Either way, I'm shocked. Shocked!!) Oh, and I've never really wanted a pony that badly (apparently I'm one of the few who thinks that way) but I would love to come over and play with your horsey when you get it. :-)