Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Back in the game

Wow, it's been forever since I've posted here. We have been taking a short break while we wait for me to work up to the right dosage of metformin. During the time of silence, we have been back and forth over and over again over whether we should go ahead and try again starting next cycle, or whether we should wait until fall. Here's the pro-con list...strangely, this is the first time I'm doing this, even though we've already made a decision. It will be interesting to see whether the list agrees.


  1. We are really, really, desperate to have a baby. We want it more than anything, and we've already been waiting almost unbearably long.

  2. Even if we start trying right now, it *still* might take several more tries.

  3. We're not getting any younger. We're hoping to have more kids after this, and if we don't get started soon, some of our options are going to become less viable.

  4. Our lives are already set up, ready, and waiting for the baby, and a several month wait is not long enough to pursue a different arrangement, but too long to be in a holding pattern.

  1. I might not be eligible for fmla by the time the baby is due if we get pregnant right away (i'm waiting to hear from personnel on this issue)

  2. It's still possible, though unlikely, that I won't get the job I'm expecting to get, and therefore might be unemployed for an indeterminate amount of time (this should be resolved one way or the other within the next two weeks)

  3. The combination of metformin, really careful eating, and not as consistent as I'd like exercise is helping me lose weight right now, and losing more weight before becoming pregnant could be beneficial.

These are the main arguments on each side. I think we have made the right decision, to try again this cycle. Now, if we can only get the timing to cooperate! With our plans to make a much needed trip to Arkansas, and with me hopefully starting a new job shortly thereafter, there's a lot that could possibly interfere. I guess it's back to the ordering and scheduling stress ride! Like Susan always says, if it works, it's worth anything it takes. It's just so hard to deal with all we have to do each cycle, when at the end of it all, we're back at square one.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Very sensible use of tables there.