Saturday, November 25, 2006


Yay. I've been wondering all pregnancy if I was just not noticing the razz having hiccups, but last night, he definitely was. It was really fun. I had been up with the dogs and was trying to get resettled, when I felt a gentle kick. Followed by 30 or so more in rhythmic succession. So cool. The other razzmama was awake, too, so she came in and got to feel them with me. Toward the end, we think he was getting irritated with all the hiccuping, because he started kicking hard after each one. I know the feeling, kid!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Baby Socks!

I'm busy with Christmas Knitting at the moment, so it's mostly been small projects for The Razz. I knitted the umbilical cord hat from Stitch 'n' Bitch, and here are some socks I knitted for him.

recycled wool longies :)

These are my first 3 pairs of longies for The Razz. They won't fit for a while, but they were fun and relatively easy to make, and incredibly cheap. Each wool sweater at goodwill: $2.50. And I should be able to get at least 2 soakers out of the body of each sweater.