Monday, January 09, 2006

ignore it....

This month we are trying the ignore it approach. I'm not charting; after the insem I'm not going to test at all until 16 days later if I haven't gotten my period; and this is hopefully going to be my last entry for this month. I hate to do this, because if I do get pregnant this cycle, I will be disappointed about not having the charts (don't ask me why), but it's still better than having another month during which both of us obsess constantly and make ourselves and each other miserable. Ok, miserable may be overstating a bit (but just a bit), but it really is difficult when we're both obsessing. I might get to a place where I'm feeling good and confident and not worried about it at all, but at that time Susan is bound to be feeling pessimistic and downtrodden, and then of course, we switch roles, only rarely both feeling good about the cycle at the same time. So this month, I'm taking my meds, then we're going for the follicle scan and trigger shot on cd14, inseminating on days 15 and 16 and then waiting until day 32 to test. That is all. See ya in 25-30 days.

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