Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Actually, it wasn't all *that* sweet! Everyone describes the glucola you have to drink for the glucose tolerance test as sickeningly sweet, but really it was just slightly sweet with a bitter after taste. I had a very hard time finishing it in the alotted 5 minutes, but I managed. When I first started drinking it, my heart started to race. I'm still not sure whether that was just because I was nervous about it, or if it was an actual physiological response. The really sweet part was the result! 76! I apparently have great sugar control, at least for now. They'll test again at 28 weeks (12 weeks from now), but I'm really glad there is so much room to spare. The cutoff is 130 and 70 is the low end of normal. YAY! Our next appointment is in another 2 weeks for an ultrasound, which we hope will finally reveal the sex of the razz! I REALLY hope we can tell. If not though, at least we'll get our first glimpse of the RAZZ!! I can't wait!

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